Document settings¶

Page orientation¶

You can use between landscape and portrait (default) page orientation.

// rtf document instance
$rtf = new PHPRtfLite();
// landscape page orientation

Page margins¶

You can set margins for the document and for sections, too. Section margins will overwrite document margins.

$rtf = new PHPRtfLite();
// margin left: 1cm
// margin right: 2cm
// margin top: 3cm
// margin bottom: 4cm

The code example below does the same in a shorter way.

$rtf = new PHPRtfLite();
// margins: left 1cm, top 3cm, right 2cm, bottom 4cm
$rtf->setMargins(1, 3, 2, 4);

You can define that odd and even pages uses mirrored margins. Section margins can be mirrored, too, and will overwrite the document setting.

$rtf = new PHPRtfLite();
// margin left: 2cm
// margin right: 1cm
// odd pages: left 2cm, right 1cm
// even pages: left 1cm, right 2cm

Page size¶

The paper width and height can be set for sections, too, which will overwrite the document settings.

$rtf = new PHPRtfLite();
$rtf->setPaperWidth(14);  // in cm
$rtf->setPaperHeight(25); // in cm

Units in RTF¶

RTF uses TWIP (“TWentieth of an Inch Point” - 1/20 Point = 1/1440 Inch) [1] as internal unit. PHPRtfLite uses centimeter as default unit for all measuring unit inputs.

PHPRtfLite_Unit::setGlobalUnit(PHPRtfLite_Unit::UNIT_CM);    // inputs used as centimeters
PHPRtfLite_Unit::setGlobalUnit(PHPRtfLite_Unit::UNIT_INCH);  // inputs used as inches
PHPRtfLite_Unit::setGlobalUnit(PHPRtfLite_Unit::UNIT_POINT); // inputs used as points

Character set (text input)¶

$rtf = new PHPRtfLite();
$rtf->setCharset('Latin1');  // use Latin1 instead of UTF-8


$rtf = new PHPRtfLite();

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