Classes summary
ClientPrinter |
The base class for all kind of printers supported at the client side.
ClientPrintJob |
Specifies information about the print job to be processed at the client side. |
DefaultPrinter |
It represents the default printer installed in the client machine. |
InstalledPrinter |
It represents a printer installed in the client machine with an associated OS
driver. |
NetworkPrinter |
It represents a Network IP/Ethernet printer which can be reached from the client
machine. |
ParallelPortPrinter |
It represents a printer which is connected through a parallel port in the client
machine. |
PrintFile |
It represents a file in the server that will be printed at the client side. |
SerialPortHandshake |
Specifies the control protocol used in establishing a serial port communication. |
SerialPortParity |
Specifies the parity bit for Serial Port settings. |
SerialPortPrinter |
It represents a printer which is connected through a serial port in the client
machine. |
SerialPortStopBits |
Specifies the number of stop bits used for Serial Port settings. |
UserSelectedPrinter |
It represents a printer which will be selected by the user in the client
machine. The user will be prompted with a print dialog. |
Utils |
Some utility functions used by WebClientPrint for PHP solution. |
WebClientPrint |
WebClientPrint provides functions for registering the "WebClientPrint for PHP"
solution script code in PHP web pages as well as for processing client requests
and managing the internal cache. |